Accelerated Learning Action Learning Growth Mindset Peer-to-Peer Lifelong Learning
AW Academy Alecta Presentation Technique
This diploma is awarded to
Lisa Lund
for successfully completing
AW Academy Alecta Presentation Technique
27 April 2021 - 28 April 2021
Emma Stelin-Nilsson, Program Manager
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Accelerated Learning Action Learning Growth Mindset Peer-to-Peer Lifelong Learning
AW Academy Alecta Presentation Technique
Description of the program

This two-day training in presentation technique will be the perfect kick-off for your future business presentations. Together, we will practice both theory and exercises on how to get your message through in a both entertaining and powerful way – make sure you come prepared and ready for action (and feedback!).

Program Content

  • Basic presentations

  • The importance of a good start

  • Action: how to physically improve your presentations

  • The importance of feedback - how and why to get it

  • Modules of a great  presentation 
  • How to manage "fails" 

  • Argumentation

  • Digital presentation: how to adjust your presentation

  • Improved presentations and feedback techniques

  • The presenter's check list 

AW Academy

At AW Academy, we believe that learning is a process that occurs when the individual interacts with others, to embrace and implement knowledge, skills, and competence. Consequently, we place great emphasis on identifying and developing the individual’s capacity for learning. Besides learning new subjects’ areas, individual’s at AW Academy, get to practice our pedagogical methods which lays a great foundation for their skill in learn-to-learn.

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