Scan to Verify
This certification is awarded to
for successfully completing
24 April 2023-11 May 2023
Mattias Berg
11 May 2023
24 April 2023
Brights Learning Group

After completing this 8 day module, the participant is now able to design relational databases based on customers requirements. The participant have gained experience writing SQL-code to create databases, add data, modify data and retrieve information from a database.


  • Describe the parts of a database: tables, rows, columns, constraints and relations
  • Describe the difference between a relational and non-relational database
  • Desribe how normalization affects a databse
  • Describe the purpose of primary keys, foreign keys and indexes
  • Describe where log files are found
  • Draw ER-diagrams to visualize the relations between entities 
  • Write SQL commands to query the database: SELECT, JOIN, GROUP BY
  • Write SQL commands to update a database: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  • Create primary keys and foreign keys on tables
  • Create stored procedures, triggers, views and indexes
  • Use transactions and rollback a transaction
  • Create indexes to optimize tables
  • Create an execution plan for a statement
  • Design a relational database based on requirements from a customer individually and in groups
  • Write SQL-code to retrieve and modify a database


The world is changing faster than ever and the need to learn has never been bigger. Rapidly shifting skills-needs create a tremendous challenge for companies, individuals and society. At Brights, we rethink the ways we look at learning. We build solutions which start with motivation, put skills first, leads to return on learning and are better embedded into work life. To succeed we need to adapt, to adapt we need to change and to change we need to learn.